Scuola / SUP | SBS Swiss Business School |
promotore | SBS Swiss Business School |
Titolo | Online Master of Business Administration |
Gruppo | Business Administration & Leadership |
gentile | Master of Business Administration (MBA) |
esigenze | Required documentation for the Online MBA Program
ECTS | 90 |
lingua | EN |
luogo | Zürich, Zürich-Oerlikon |
costi | CHF 19'800.– |
inizio | corrente |
dokument | Online Master of Business Administration |
Why Study Online?
The growth of online learning as a successful education delivery method for professionals has been profound in the last 15-20 years. If traditional face to face programs require you to attend classes on fixed locations at fixed dates, online learning programs do not place such demands. If you are often on-the-go, travel frequently or face constantly changing work commitments you may find the rigors of class work impossible to manage. You can travel freely, relocate or live in remote areas without interrupting your MBA studies. The online learning format suits students ‘ability to juggle the competing demands of work, family and study. Ultimately, this depends on the type of person you are, your lifestyle and how you prefer to learn. Our online education model provides you with true flexibility in your learning options. Not only is the SBS Online MBA truly portable, it also provides you with greater flexibility that traditional MBA programs.
How Online Learning Works
The SBS Swiss Business School Online MBA is conducted exclusively via online lecturing. In conjunction with industry experts and academics, our team of instructors ensures that course contents ensure outstanding learning outcomes. You receive a comprehensive Study Guide for each unit which contains full course work, workplace activities, readings and references to further resources for each topic. Your assigned Professor is responsible for setting and marking the assignments and exams, providing commentary on the topics throughout the study period and academic guidance for any questions and issues you have during your study.
Online MBA key features:
SBS iLearn Portal – user friendly web-platform Flexible method of learning - you fit in your studies when and where it suits you Truly portable MBA – all you need is an internet connected device Take your class into the office, apply the learning to workplace situations immediately OMBA transforms concepts and issues in a workplace context Study materials always in your pocket (accessible with any device, any time you like) Follow courses from where ever you are on the planet
Online MBA at a glance:
12 Modules
7 weeks per module
OMBA can be completed within 1,5 years
MBA lectured fully online
Live webinar sessions
Online assignment submission
Online exams
Discussion boards and forums
Online Resources:
The SBS E-Learning portal allows you to access a range of online services to support your enrolment and study needs the online communication services are designed to enhance your participation in the SBS Online MBA.
After successful completion of all courses and submission of a thesis, the student will be awarded a Master of Business Administration degree.
Die Swiss Business School SBS beim Zürcher Flughafen ist Ihre Adresse, wenn Sie eine nationale oder internationale Karrierere in den Bereichen International Management, Unternehmertums oder Marketing anstreben.
Neben dem grundlegenden staatlich anerkannten Bachelorstudiengang (BSc) können Sie bei uns eine Vielzahl von Studiengängen sowie MSc, MBA, Executive MBA und DBA besuchen.
Wir von der SBS legen nicht nur grossen Wert auf die theoretischen Grundlagen, sondern fördern vor allem Ihre praktischen Erfahrungen. Dabei bewegen wir uns immer am Puls der Zeit und vermitteln Ihnen Lösungsansätze zu topaktuellen Problematiken. Dank unserem internationalen Beziehungsnetz in der Privatwirtschaft ist es uns möglich, Sie mit Unternehmen aus den verschiedensten Bereichen in Kontakt zu bringen. Bewegen Sie sich mitten im Geschehen und öffnen Sie Türen zu Wissenspforten, welche anderen Studenten verschlossen bleiben.
Seit 1998 ebnen wir zukukünftigen Leadern der Wirtschaft den Weg an die Spitze. Nehmen auch Sie ihre Chance wahr und begegnen Sie den Herausforderungen im harten Berufsalltag mit der bestmöglichsten Ausbildung- und Weiterbildung.
SBS Swiss Business School, für deinen Karrieresprung mit staatlich anerkannten Studiengängen.