Master of Science FHGR in Business Administration with Specialisation in Tourism and Change

School / University of Applied Sciences Fachhochschule Graubünden
provider Fachhochschule Graubünden
Title Master of Science FHGR in Business Administration with Specialisation in Tourism and Change
Group Business Administration & Leadership
kind Master of Science (MSc)
  • A bachelor's degree or equivalent diploma in tourism or other related subject from a university or university of applied sciences
  • good knowledge of English
  • Basic knowledge of business administration. Should you not have prior knowledge of business administration at bachelor level, you will be able to make up for this prior to the start of the programme. We will provide all the literature you will need for your preparation.
duration Full-time: 3 Semester, Part-time: up to 8 Semester
language EN
location Chur
kosten_semester CHF 960.–
start underway
dokument Brochure in PDF
study details

Tourism is changing. It is vulnerable to change but also contributing to it:

  • Tourism changes the social fabric of a destination and may lead to overtourism
  • Extreme weather events due to climate change affect the perception of destinations, while tourism contributes 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions (Lenzen et al. 2018)
  • New digital technologies affect travel behaviour with the potential for disruptive innovation within the sector

In the Master Tourism & Change you will learn to identify, interpret and provide solutions for strategic challenges faced by tourism businesses as well as destinations and to make strategic judgements under uncertainty by relying on an in-depth understanding of change processes.

Understanding the changes in society and in the business environment is a basic prerequisite for thinking about future strategies and actions. Building on a foundation of business administration, the programme concept is set around a change framework consisting of an iterative process of analysing, managing and designing change in tourism. Analysing the different drivers of change and evaluating their consequences for the tourism sector will allow you to devise a plan for managing change in organisations and will allow you to design progressive solutions to social, natural or political-economic challenges at an early stage. As society, the environment and the economy constantly changes, this needs to be a continuous process to consider and adapt to the changing circumstances. Tourism, as an inherently social and globally connected phenomenon, is probably most in need of such a forward-looking and recurrent process.

The teaching and learning approach of the master is based on active and experiential learning: you will have the opportunity to work with practical cases, to practice different behaviours in role-play situations, to take part in management simulations and to take responsibility in projects.

  • Benefit from small class sizes, international lecturers and a focus on active and experiential learning with the opportunity to work with practical cases, to practice different behaviours in role-play situations, to experience change on an international fieldtrip, to take part in management simulations and to take responsibility in projects.
  • Use the many possibilities to increase your employability such as a personal development programme, a mentoring programme, a work placement, the international online management simulation or the consultancy project.
  • Narrow, winding streets and snow-capped mountains, modern shopping centres and pure, unadulterated nature, the alpine city of Chur offers you an active student life, the hustle and bustle of city life and an alpine recreational playground at your doorstep.

Gain tourism & business competence, hone your personal skills, apply them in practice to become a change maker in destination management, tourism marketing, tour operation, hotel management, aviation, etc.


Master of Science FHGR in Business Administration with Specialisation in Tourism and Change

target group

The admission requirements are a bachelor's degree, a good knowledge of
English and basic knowledge of business administration. You will be able
to make up for missing knowledge in business administration prior to the
start of the programme.

Mehr erfahren
Fachhochschule Graubünden
Als agile Hochschule setzt die FH Graubünden auf dynamisches Denken und proaktives Handeln. Mit diesem Mindset gestaltet sie nachhaltig die Zukunft mit. Studium und Forschung sind interdisziplinär und orientieren sich an praktischen Herausforderungen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Ihre rund 2400 Studierenden bildet sie zu hochqualifizierten und verantwortungsvollen Persönlichkeiten aus. Die Hochschule bietet Studien- und Weiterbildungsangebote in Architektur, Bauingenieurwesen, Computational and Data Science, Digital Supply Chain Management, Information Science, Management, Mobile Robotics, Multimedia Production, Photonics sowie Tourismus an.

In ihrer Forschung fokussiert sie auf die Themen Angewandte Zukunftstechnologien, Entwicklung im alpinen Raum und Unternehmerisches Handeln, und agiert auch partizipativ in Reallaboren. Die Mitwirkung aller Hochschulangehörigen trägt zur Weiterentwicklung der Fachhochschule und deren Qualität bei.
Director of studies

Director of Studies
Prof. Dr Jan Mosedale
Phone: +41 81 286 39 01


Information and Advice
Natalie Riesen-Sanabria
Phone: +41 81 286 39 91