Master of Science in Banking and Finance - International Track

Schule / Fachhochschule ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
Anbieter ZHAW School of Management and Law
Titel Master of Science in Banking and Finance - International Track
Gruppe Banking & Finance
Art Master of Science (MSc)

You need to meet a number of criteria to qualify for this MSc program. The main requirement is a Bachelor's degree in Banking and Finance or an equivalent university qualification in Business Administration. The admission of individual applicants is based on their overall profile and will be approved on merit.

  • If you have a university degree in another, related discipline, such as business law, economic journalism, economic engineering, or economics, you may be admitted subject to additional achievements to be completed.

In addition to these basic conditions, there are additional requirements to be met:

  • Foundation knowledge of banking and finance, especially corporate finance, risk management, economics, financial instruments and portfolio theory, as well as descriptive statistics, probability distributions, hypothesis testing and linear regression
  • Ability to actively follow classroom instruction in English and use course materials in English.
Dauer Vollzeit: 3 Semester
Sprache EN
Ort Winterthur
Kosten CHF 2'160.–
Kosten pro Semester CHF 720.–
Beginn laufend
ZHAW School of Management and Law

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