Schule / Fachhochschule | Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana, SUPSI |
Anbieter | SUPSI - Scuola Teatro Dimitri |
Titel | Master of Arts in Theater |
Gruppe | Arts |
Art | Master of Arts (MA) |
Anforderungen | In a rich and challenging environment, the Master of Arts in Theatre at Accademia Dimitri is designed as a space for performance and artistic experimentation. The program offers a wide range of approaches to theater and performance through the body and its expression. It is aimed at graduates of theatre- and art-related degree programs and established artists who wish to enrich their skills, experiences and methodologies by developing new connections within their practice. The training initially provides common instruction for all students, and then diversifies into three different focuses: Physical Theatre, Figure Theatre (material, object, and puppet theater), and Applied Theatre Practice. |
Dauer | 3 Semester |
ECTS | 90 |
Sprache | IT, EN |
Ort | Lugano |
Kosten | CHF 2'400.– |
Beginn | September |
The MA program focuses on the human body - in the theatre, but also in the dialogue between the theatre and the other arts, as well as in society. The body forms the basis on which artistic and social practices are developed.
Two to three-week long specialized practical workshops as well as theoretical and historical lectures mainly during the first and second semester build the core of the studies. During the third and fourth semester the students create their own practical productions, both devised group projects and individual projects that are tutored by teachers and researchers of Accademia Dimitri.
The students also have the possibility to individualize their study plan benefitting by the Accademia's wide range of activities connected to projects with its research department, international exchanges as well as projects evolving with European partner institutions.
Kooperation: SUPSI Lugano, BFH HKB Bern, HES-SO Lausanne, ZHdK Zürich
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre
Full-time: from 2 years
A Bachelor's degree in theatre, dance, circus arts or an equivalent diploma is required for Master's admission. Enrolment on dossier is possible for candidates with proven artistic experience at a professional level.
Accademia Dimitri
Stradòn 28
6653 Verscio (CH)
T. +41 (0)58 666 67 50
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