MAS SUPSI Human Capital Management

Schule / Fachhochschule Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana, SUPSI
Anbieter SUPSI - Dipartimento economia aziendale, sanità e sociale
Titel MAS SUPSI Human Capital Management
Gruppe Human Ressources
Art Master of Advanced Studies (MAS)

Persons who have at least 5 years of professional experience in a position of a human resources manager or professional and who have a university-level degree (university or polytechnic degree, diploma from a UAS university of applied sciences, or degree equivalent to the above) are admitted upon interview. In some cases, for applicants who do not possess the qualifications listed above, admission on dossier is possible.

Admission to the course is subject to a knowledge assessment test that will help the participant identify his or her placement with respect to the subject areas covered. Failure to pass the test will imply the need to attend a "passerelle course" useful for putting the participant in the best learning conditions.

Sprache EN
Ort Manno
Kosten CHF 26'000.–
Rabatt "The registration fee for the entire MAS HCM course is CHF 26,000. A reduced fee of CHF 24,000 is charged for enrollments received by April 30, 2023."
Beginn laufend

Il MAS in Human Capital Management si concentra sulla valorizzazione del personale, risorsa fondamentale per il successo di un’azienda e fornisce un’ampia panoramica su problematiche istituzionali, sociali, giuridiche ed economiche. Il MAS forma persone in grado di comprendere i cambiamenti complessi che intercorrono nella società e nel mondo del lavoro e capaci di abbinare le proprie competenze nel campo della gestione delle risorse umane alle strategie aziendali.

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Social Media
SUPSI - Dipartimento economia aziendale, sanità e sociale (DEASS)

T +41(0)58 666 61 72

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